Prayer Request

Please pray for the completion of ENE Bible app.

Be in prayer as ENE settles and obtains operating and importing license for Bible Keychains.

Pray for the Nation of Serbia and surrounding areas to be receptive of The Gospel.

Be on the look out for Website changes! We've been working hard to update our website to better serve you.

Future World Changers
Traveling around to preach has its difficulties. But nothing compares to raising children in a different culture. The picture above was taken on a day when the temperature had risen over 100 F. These kids were determined to complete a task that their parents had given them. Facing obstacles of height, heat, hunger. Was there complaints or requests to call a taxi? Of course! BUT they completed it. (They walked over 13 miles that day).

Today on the mission field we face a lot of obstacles. Importing license, to support, visas, language barriers and culture shock to name a few. But that does not mean we should give up whenit gets difficult. We must complete the task at hand and accomplish the will of our heavenly Father.

Matthew 28:20
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.